We checked into the hospital at 7:00 pm on Wednesday night. I was induced with cervadil around 9:00 and started feeling action around 1:00 am. Sonja was born at 6:30 am. Just a few pushes and she was here! She came so fast and I was so greatful for that. We thought we'd get the whole night before to sleep and then they'd start me with pitocin in the morning, but that wasn't the case. So we were up all night having a baby!
We just can't get enough of her sweet face. She is such a great sleeper, but mom wishes she would eat a little more! It's been awesome having family and friends here to visit and help out. We are excited to begin new adventures as a family of four!
O my goodness. She is beautiful!!! Congrats - you say it was fast, but maybe I just don't understand these things because from 1 to 6:30 seems like a long time :) Awww - love her little headband too!